This resource guide is organized in 5 steps designed to serve as a roadmap with the tools you may need to formally get in front of an organized group of students by way of a school or youth nonprofit program. Our number one goal at Invest is to educate individuals on insurance, financial literacy and risk management, while encouraging the pursuit of insurance careers. Thank you for your partnership!
Select a School. If you don't have a direct person you can contact at a particular school in your area, no problem we are sure that someone you know does! It is much easier to get involved with a school through a current or past teacher or school administrator.
Ask your friends or family
Ask a member of your local school board
Ask your customer base
Still no connections? Contact a member of
our team here for help.
Take a look at our countrywide Invest program map to see where Invest currently or has previously had a program. Pro Tip
Also consider sharing your insurance careers presentation with a nonprofit that has afterschool programs for teenagers. They are often looking for volunteers that can provide youth with insights on various career opportunities. Here are some examples: Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, Big Brother Big Sister and the Urban League.
Call or email the school administrator or teacher. Express interest in speaking at a formal career day or to one of their business or career technical education (CTE) classes.
Sample letter to consider. Regardless as to if you have a specific contact or not, we highly recommend also reaching out to one or more of the following people:
- Career Technical Education (CTE) Coordinator
- Guidance Counselor
- Principal and/or Vice Principal
- Curriculum Coordinator
If you are looking to speak at a nonprofit with youth initiatives – you will want to connect with their program coordinator.
Pro Tip
Find out if your state has a financial literacy requirement. If it does, not only will it be even easier to host a career day presentation – they are even more likely to want to get an Invest program started (or restarted) within their school!
Finalize your presentation date. Make sure the date is confirmed by the school (or youth program) and that you find out the agenda (will others be speaking before or after you), how long you have to speak, the number of youth expected in attendance and the room setup.
If presenting a PowerPoint presentation here are some specific questions to ask:
- Will they have a laptop you can present from or should you bring your own?
- Will the laptop be connected to a speaker should you want to play a video or music?
- Will there be WIFI you can access in the room? Particularly important if you have any video content you might want to share
- Do they need to review the presentation prior? If so, make sure you know when they need to review it by.
- Do they have a presentation clicker you can use?
Pro Tip
If you want to bring a guest with you, be sure to ask in advance. Some schools (and youth programs) require prior approval for any adult on premises
Share flyer and/or e-blast. Ask the school (or youth program) if they can post the flyer and/or share the email blast (e-blast) with students and parents to ensure you have a great turn out.
Download Here
It's show time! Here are two of our insurance career presentations you can download and customize as you see fit.
Great Careers to Consider
As you get closer to the presentation date be sure to confirm the date and time of your presentation along with any presentation requests with the school (or youth program) at least twice: One or Two Weeks prior AND One or Two Days Prior
Be flexible should they need to change the date and time but try your best to stand by your commitment. They are counting on you to be there! Try to add some relevant videos in your presentation. Students love short videos. See if there is a local Gamma Iota Sigma insurance fraternity in your area where you can invite a college student to also attend and speak during your presentation.
Pro Tips
Make your presentation as interactive as possible. Consider playing a school appropriate song a few minutes prior to getting started – music has a tendency to wake people up and energize them. Start with an ice breaker to help build initial rapport with the students. Add one two engaging activities, games or question prompts in the midst of your presentation. Most of all, HAVE FUN!!