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Apr 23
'Back to School' with Invest: Help Wanted
While you may not be looking forward to your kids’ parent / teacher conferences, InVEST has another reason to head to your local high school or community college and interact with students and teachers.

Get involved by volunteering as a guest speaker.

In the coming weeks, Invest programs will kick off a new year of educating students on insurance, risk management and career opportunities available within the industry. If there is an Invest school in your area, why not volunteer to guest speak one day on an insurance topic that interests you? Or, contact a local school and offer to come in one day to discuss risk management or career options in the insurance industry.
For more information or to find a program near you, head to and click on your state on the map at the bottom of the screen. To volunteer, email the state champion or Invest staff. 
The Invest website also offers a wide variety of resources available to assist you, including PowerPoint presentations and games.
Invest, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is dedicated to improving insurance literacy of students and attracting new talent to the industry.


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